Japanese | English |
Arigato | Thank you |
Ashi Bari | Leg sweep |
Bo Jitsu | Stick fighting |
Bunkai | Application |
Bushido | Code of the warrior |
Dan | Black belt rank |
Do | The way |
Do Itashi Mashite | You're welcome |
Dojo | Place of the way (training hall/school) |
Embusen | Starting and finishing point |
Embu Taikai | Celebration of the martial arts |
Game Waza | Ground techniques |
Gi | Uniform |
Hai | Yes |
Hajime | Start |
Han | Work group |
Honbu | Main dojo |
Hayaku | Fast |
Hidari | Left |
Hidoi | Hard |
Hiki Ashi | Chamber leg |
Himitsu | Hidden technique |
Ichitai Ichi | One on one / Face to face |
Ikken Hissatsu | To kill with a single strike |
Ippon Kumite | Point fighting |
Jo | The place of |
Jujitsu | Grappling art / gentle art |
Kamae | Fighting attitude |
Karate | Empty hand |
Karate Ka | Student of karate |
Kata | Form |
Ki | Life force |
Kiai | Battle yell |
Kihon | Basics |
Kihon Ido | Basics with movement |
Kime | Focus |
Kiotsuke | Come to attention |
Konbanwa | Good evening |
Konnichiwa | Good day |
Kubudo | Training in the way of ancient weapons |
Kudasai | Please |
Kumite | Fighting |
Kuzushi | To break one's balance |
Kyu | Student rank |
Makiwara | Punching board |
Mawatte | Turn |
Migi | Right |
Mokuso | Meditation |
Nage Waza | Throwing Techniques |
Obi | Belt |
Onegaishimasu | Thank you for teaching me |
Osu | Keep pushing/never give up |
Randori | Speed drills |
Reigi | Courtesy |
Rei | Bow |
Renma | Constant polishing |
Seiza | Sit with respect |
Sempei | Oldest brother/sister |
Sensei | Teacher |
Shihan | Teacher of black belts |
Shime Waza | Choking techniques |
Shomen | Place of honor |
Shugo | Hard training |
Tai Sabaki | Body shifting |
Tate | Rise |
Tameshiwari | To test and to break |
Tori | Attacker |
Uchi Deshi | Personal students/inner circle |
Ude Tate | Push-ups |
Uke | Beginner/Fool |
Ukemi | Breakfall |
Waza | Technique |
Yakusoku Kumite | Prearranged sparring/promise fighting |
Yame | Stop |
Yasumi | Rest |
Yoi | Open ready |
Yudansha | Black belt |
Zanchin | Iron mask/presence of mind |