General Vocabulary

Japanese English
Arigato Thank you
Ashi Bari Leg sweep
Bo Jitsu Stick fighting
Bunkai Application
Bushido Code of the warrior
Dan Black belt rank
Do The way
Do Itashi Mashite You're welcome
Dojo Place of the way (training hall/school)
Embusen Starting and finishing point
Embu Taikai Celebration of the martial arts
Game Waza Ground techniques
Gi Uniform
Hai Yes
Hajime Start
Han Work group
Honbu Main dojo
Hayaku Fast
Hidari Left
Hidoi Hard
Hiki Ashi Chamber leg
Himitsu Hidden technique
Ichitai Ichi One on one / Face to face
Ikken Hissatsu To kill with a single strike
Ippon Kumite Point fighting
Jo The place of
Jujitsu Grappling art / gentle art
Kamae Fighting attitude
Karate Empty hand
Karate Ka Student of karate
Kata Form
Ki Life force
Kiai Battle yell
Kihon Basics
Kihon Ido Basics with movement
Kime Focus
Kiotsuke Come to attention
Konbanwa Good evening
Konnichiwa Good day
Kubudo Training in the way of ancient weapons
Kudasai Please
Kumite Fighting
Kuzushi To break one's balance
Kyu Student rank
Makiwara Punching board
Mawatte Turn
Migi Right
Mokuso Meditation
Nage Waza Throwing Techniques
Obi Belt
Onegaishimasu Thank you for teaching me
Osu Keep pushing/never give up
Randori Speed drills
Reigi Courtesy
Rei Bow
Renma Constant polishing
Seiza Sit with respect
Sempei Oldest brother/sister
Sensei Teacher
Shihan Teacher of black belts
Shime Waza Choking techniques
Shomen Place of honor
Shugo Hard training
Tai Sabaki Body shifting
Tate Rise
Tameshiwari To test and to break
Tori Attacker
Uchi Deshi Personal students/inner circle
Ude Tate Push-ups
Uke Beginner/Fool
Ukemi Breakfall
Waza Technique
Yakusoku Kumite Prearranged sparring/promise fighting
Yame Stop
Yasumi Rest
Yoi Open ready
Yudansha Black belt
Zanchin Iron mask/presence of mind