Renshi Debbie Barr is a 6th degree black belt in Seido Ryu Karate. Renshi has been training for 23 years and is currently the Sempai of her dojo. Renshi is the highest rank student under Soke Larry Barr. Renshi is a world-class competitor and has won World, National, and State Championships.
Her most recent awards include 2016 World Karate Union: Woman of the Year, 2017 Action Magazine Hall of Fame: Teacher of the Year, and 2018 Action Magazine Hall of Fame: Competitor of the Year. Renshi grew up in Jamaica, where she was inspired by her movie hero, Silver Fox.
Renshi has been married for 20 years and has four children. Professionally, she is the Court Administrator for the City of Englewood, New Jersey. One of her greatest accomplishments was being selected to perform kata with her daughter Serena at the 2017 International Hall of Honors in Barcelona, Spain.
Renshi Barr is a member of the Woman's Martial Arts Network. She has also been ordained as a minister in the Martial Arts through Shinja Martial Arts University (SMAU); her title is "Reverend."
Her motto is "Be strong in the dojo, and be strong in life."